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  Forum » Sugerencias » How I can buy player from someone  school  Date
7 msgs.
Pls teach me am really serious about it. 24/06/2020 15:27
  - Div/Gr
14793 msgs.
Golden Ball
Pincha en el jugador y en subasta pujas por 0 euros y te lo llevas 24/06/2020 15:33
  🦇мℓт AlÁndalus - Div4/Gr63
17335 msgs.
Golden Ball
How will I buy u 94 dlc of 0. Teach me how to do it boss

24/06/2020 16:13
  ⚔️ Celta de vigo - Div1/Gr1
7 msgs.
Thanks boss.
Anything else will I do
24/06/2020 18:49
  - Div/Gr
7 msgs.
Boss I can't bid it.
I just join striker manager I don't have that kind of money.
Try and help me out.
24/06/2020 18:52
  - Div/Gr
39342 msgs.
Golden Ball
where is Batman??? 28/06/2020 20:28
  牧师Яεαl City - Div3/Gr1
39342 msgs.
Golden Ball
Mugi19 dijo:
ayatola dijo:
WOW Man you`re the luckiest manager in Striker, Zerocool has posted for you the secret to become the no1 in buying and selling youths, the problem is that he only speaks in his mother tongue, it`s from a region in Spain that is called Galicia, we can`t understand it it's a very difficult language, and the only way to speak it, it`s to be born there, but if you can find a good translator from Galician to English maybe in a few seasons you could be in first division with him.

Editado por ayatola 23-06-2020 21:49

Yo sé hablar esa lengua materna suya, no soy de las Galicias pero estuve allí en misión ultra secreta y lo aprendí
Si quieres contactar conmigo envía FALO al 344553 y te traduzco lo que diga el señor Zero

come back to the matrix
outside is not safe
28/06/2020 20:29
  牧师Яεαl City - Div3/Gr1
19585 msgs.
Golden Ball
I'M BATMAAAAAN !!!!!! 17/07/2020 17:01
  🦇Eℓ Escorromoñao - Div2/Gr3
8748 msgs.
Golden Ball
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20/07/2020 11:50
  - Div/Gr
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